Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Running For Beer

How many of you sign up for races just for the free beer at the finish line!? 

I'll be the first to admit...I DO! Let's be honest here...the entire race; whether it's a 5K, Half Marathon, Duathlon, or Century Ride; I look forward to the beer garden at the finish line. After dedicating 3 months of my life to training, and finally completing the goal I have set for myself, this is just the cherry on top. During the training months, I will have a beer here and there, but it does not taste near as good as free beer after a race!
There's a website called; www.idoitforthebeer.com. This website is super fun! It  has shirts, hats, mugs, stickers...all kinds of goodies with this slogan. You can get merchandise for running, cycling, golfing, etc.
www.onemoremilerunning.com is another great website with witty slogans on merchandise!
Did someone say carbs!? Beer does provide some health benefits, as long as you're smart about it. Beer contains vitamins B and chromium, which helps convert carbohydrates to energy. However, TOO MUCH beer can slow recovery and dehydrate. Always make sure you drink lots of water after a race first, before going straight to the beer. It can impair judgment and you may not realize how dehydrated you are until it's too late.
Here's a great article for some great post-run beers; http://www.runnersworld.com/beers/home.html

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bored?...What Keeps You Fueled?

I'll be the first one to admit...any run or bike ride longer than an hour, can get boring! While training for my first 100 mile century ride, there were days I would put 3-5 hours on my bike just to log miles. During my training, so many people would ask, how I don't get bored..."What do you do for 4 hours out there all by yourself!?"

Here are just a few things that keep me entertained during hours of logging miles;

1. Music, Music, Music!! - There is nothing better than an amazing playlist of all your favorite songs. I have a specific playlist I made only for running and biking. I try to keep the songs different from each other to add variety. Any other time, I steer away from listening to songs I know are on my running/biking playlist, so they don't get old or annoying. I also make sure to add songs that are not on the radio every 5 minutes.
2. Using the Admiration to Push On - Not many people can go out for a 10 mile run, or a 80 mile road ride. Often, people think it is impossible! While I'm training, I think about everyone else who wishes they could do what I'm doing, and use that as fuel. Sometimes, I'll think about the topic of my next blog, or updating my facebook status. I know what I'm doing is rare, and difficult for the majority of our population, which only drives me to push harder! I feel proud of my accomplishments and it's rarity!
3. Running Partner - Whether your running partner is human or non-human, having a someone by your side is encouraging. I say non-human, because I try to squeeze in a 3-4 mile run once a week with my dog. Her name is Belle. She typically can't run any longer than 4 miles, or I'll be dragging her the whole way. But these short runs with my "best friend" really make them more enjoyable!! For those of you who don't have a dog, try to recruit a friend to start training with you. I advise training with someone who is on your same fitness level.
Me and Belle at a 5K in San Diego
Afternoon 3 miler with my Beastly
4. AudioBooks - I've never done this, but would like to try! Books are my escape from the real world, and I can get completely lost in a good plot. There is potential for a great distraction here, which might take my mind off the pain my body is enduring! Once I try it, I'll let you guys know how it went and my thoughts! Deal!? :)
5. Checkpoints/Mileage Reminders - I am helpless without my GPS! As sad as it is, I rely on GPS tracking to know my average pace, miles completed, and time. I strongly suggest investing in a good GPS watch or if you run with your phone, the Nike+ Running app is the best!! With the Nike+, you can create a profile, and it will keep track of ALL your runs, and your overall average pace. There is so many perks to having a Nike account. You can compete with friends to see who can run the most miles in a certain time frame, which I've done! It's simply amazing! For more info, feel free to send me a comment, and I can tell you exactly what to do :)

I'll leave you all with this;

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Love and Hate Relationship W/ Spin Class

How many of you just LOVE spin class...but at the same time HATE it!!?? 
I go to spin once a week, every week, if not more. And honestly, cannot wait until my next spin class! All day, I anticipate going home from work, changing in to my capris and sportsbra, and hitting the bike. This class prepares me for the road. The cardio intensity I get from an hour on a stationary bike is equivalent to 2 hours on my actual road bike. However, I think indoor spin, is the only time when an amazing song could come on, and I can't WAIT for it to end!!

A week ago, I went for a scenic road ride with my two favorite "roadies"! We hit the Pacific Coast Highway from Huntington Beach, and headed up to Belmont Shores in Long Beach. Along the way, took a quick pit stop for coffee at Polly's Gourmet Coffee on 2nd Street. We totaled 35 miles that day! Just to give you an idea of the beautiful scenery, here are a couple pics I snapped;
Taking a back road!
Great guys!! True "roadies"
Me and Travis
Me and Jerry (thanks Jer' for my Scattante)
Just this last Sunday, I went for a short road ride, about 16 miles total. My day was a bit hectic, so I had to shorten my work out, and increased the intensity! The entire ride, I did not let up, and pushed thru the pain. Head wind and all, I maintained an average 17.7 MPH pace. It's Tuesday...and I'm STILL in pain. My hamstrings, quads, butt, and upper shoulders are screaming at me. But it hurts so good! ;-)

Hope you all have a great 4th Of July holiday!!! I'll return to my blog after the weekend. 

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous