Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Daily Sweat

Every morning, I wake up, shower, and get ready for work. On average I shower twice a day, because of my sweat sessions at night, which require another shower afterwards. It really is a lot of work, but at this point I have made it a part of my day.
There are still times when I have to make the executive decision...this is mostly on the weekends when I have plans..."Do I shower now, even tho I'm planning on running later? Or do I wait to shower after my run" Such a dilemma!
Many people think if you sweat it means you are out of shape...this is false! The more a person works out, the more they sweat! Sweating is a GOOD thing!! Also known as perspiration, it's the body's way of cooling itself down. An athlete's body has adapted to keeping itself cool, in other words, produces more sweat. Sweating regulates your body's temperatures, to keep it at manageable levels, also increasing the ability to lose weight.
Now that you've sweat like a mad man...make sure to refuel and drink plenty of water!

This was me last night at hot yoga sculpt. Room is set at 95 degrees, and we are asked to perform yoga while lifting weights! Let's just say, I lose at least 5 lbs when this class is over, from all the sweat lost. However, I make sure to refuel with water the entire time.

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous

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