Thursday, September 13, 2012

Is Minimalist Running Really Good For You?

Adidas Supernova Sequence 5
That's right...these were just purchased and are on their way to my house! In a couple days, I'll be logging miles in these bad boys!
After running in only my Vibram Five Fingers for the past couple of months, I'm ready to get my (yes, I just called them MINE) shoes that I know and trust. It's always been a struggle for me to find the perfect running shoe, and now that I've found my guy, aka shoes, I will always go back to him. We definitely have a history together ;-) I have some weak knees, that will shut down on me if I don't run in the right shoes. After some trial and error, I was able to find my perfect fit.

For those of you looking for your perfect running shoe, I would suggest going to a store that specializes in running, and ask for help. I went to Snails Pace (see link for locations; The salesman had me try on a pair of shoes and run for him, up and down the side walk. After some evaluation, he suggested the Adidas Supernova Sequence. He told me a lot about my form and the difference it can make in running, which was very helpful.
For more information about these shoes, you can visit the adidas website;

I did some research on the benefit of running barefoot or in Vibram Five Fingers, as opposed to regular running shoes. I've attached a link to the article below that I believed was most helpful and to the point. Basically, the benefits from minimalist running is solely dependent on the individual. When running barefoot or in Vibrams, the key is to adjust your form, to run more on the balls of your feet. Generally, people use their rear-foot strike, which means they land on their heels first. For those who don't change their foot strike in minimalist shoes, the impact forces are almost twice as high as those in regular shoes. The article goes in to more detail with the affects it could cause.
When transitioning from regular running shoes to Vibrams, it's important to transition slowly. Start with 1 mile and increase over time. Also, make sure to pay attention to your form and adjust accordingly.

Here is the link to the article;

One last picture for some motivation!

Have you tried running barefoot or in the Vibram Five Fingers? If so, what advice would you give to those who want to try?

Cheers To Being Fit N Gorgeous

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