Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Daily Sweat

Every morning, I wake up, shower, and get ready for work. On average I shower twice a day, because of my sweat sessions at night, which require another shower afterwards. It really is a lot of work, but at this point I have made it a part of my day.
There are still times when I have to make the executive decision...this is mostly on the weekends when I have plans..."Do I shower now, even tho I'm planning on running later? Or do I wait to shower after my run" Such a dilemma!
Many people think if you sweat it means you are out of shape...this is false! The more a person works out, the more they sweat! Sweating is a GOOD thing!! Also known as perspiration, it's the body's way of cooling itself down. An athlete's body has adapted to keeping itself cool, in other words, produces more sweat. Sweating regulates your body's temperatures, to keep it at manageable levels, also increasing the ability to lose weight.
Now that you've sweat like a mad man...make sure to refuel and drink plenty of water!

This was me last night at hot yoga sculpt. Room is set at 95 degrees, and we are asked to perform yoga while lifting weights! Let's just say, I lose at least 5 lbs when this class is over, from all the sweat lost. However, I make sure to refuel with water the entire time.

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous

Thursday, September 20, 2012

All Natural Protein Smoothie Recipe

All Natural Protein Smoothie- Good for Pre or Post Work Out!
(This recipe makes 2 smoothies. Reduce everything by half to make 1 smoothie.)
Here's the ingredients you'll need; (The fruit is optional, feel free to add more of your favorite, or do any substitutions.)
  1. 1 cup Blueberries
  2. 4 Strawberries
  3. 1/2 Banana
  4. 3/4 cup Cage Free 100% Liquid Egg Whites
  5. 1/2 cup 100% Pomegranate Juice
  6. 1 cup Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt
  7. 5 Ice Cubes

I LOVE Strawberries!!!!

I only added 3 strawberries for this round, because I added a little extra blueberries.
I tend to only shop at Trader Joes! 
I can't believe I drink this...amazing what a blender can do!

Pre-Blend action

I blend everything together, and add ice cubes 2 at a time, to make sure they get thoroughly mushed! I can't stand ice chunks in my smoothie, and neither can Stefan...yes, I make him smoothies in the morning too, and yes, he's a VERY lucky guy! ;-)

ALL DONE! Time to enjoy and re-fuel! :) Props to Disneyland for a great princess cup to drink my smoothies out of! (Yes, that's my little dog in the background, and Stefan waiting patiently on the couch for me to deliver his breakfast)
If you get the chance to try this smoothie, I'd love to hear any moderation you've made, or ideas for other great smoothies!?

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Is Minimalist Running Really Good For You?

Adidas Supernova Sequence 5
That's right...these were just purchased and are on their way to my house! In a couple days, I'll be logging miles in these bad boys!
After running in only my Vibram Five Fingers for the past couple of months, I'm ready to get my (yes, I just called them MINE) shoes that I know and trust. It's always been a struggle for me to find the perfect running shoe, and now that I've found my guy, aka shoes, I will always go back to him. We definitely have a history together ;-) I have some weak knees, that will shut down on me if I don't run in the right shoes. After some trial and error, I was able to find my perfect fit.

For those of you looking for your perfect running shoe, I would suggest going to a store that specializes in running, and ask for help. I went to Snails Pace (see link for locations;http://asnailspace.net/Locations.html). The salesman had me try on a pair of shoes and run for him, up and down the side walk. After some evaluation, he suggested the Adidas Supernova Sequence. He told me a lot about my form and the difference it can make in running, which was very helpful.
For more information about these shoes, you can visit the adidas website; http://www.adidas.com/us/product/womens-running-snova-seq-5w/TD656?cid=G61258&breadcrumb=1z13071&search=sequence&cm_vc=SEARCH

I did some research on the benefit of running barefoot or in Vibram Five Fingers, as opposed to regular running shoes. I've attached a link to the article below that I believed was most helpful and to the point. Basically, the benefits from minimalist running is solely dependent on the individual. When running barefoot or in Vibrams, the key is to adjust your form, to run more on the balls of your feet. Generally, people use their rear-foot strike, which means they land on their heels first. For those who don't change their foot strike in minimalist shoes, the impact forces are almost twice as high as those in regular shoes. The article goes in to more detail with the affects it could cause.
When transitioning from regular running shoes to Vibrams, it's important to transition slowly. Start with 1 mile and increase over time. Also, make sure to pay attention to your form and adjust accordingly.

Here is the link to the article; http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/30/are-barefoot-shoes-really-better/

One last picture for some motivation!

Have you tried running barefoot or in the Vibram Five Fingers? If so, what advice would you give to those who want to try?

Cheers To Being Fit N Gorgeous

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Are Warriors, Yes We Are!

This last weekend, on Saturday, I competed in the Oregon Warrior Dash! 

Not only did I compete in this challenge, I competed with some very important people in my life. My dad, my older sister, my boyfriend and  a few friends, were all a part of it. We started the run together and finished together.

This was my dad's first running event EVER! Crazy huh? But anyone out there with us, would think he was a professional. My dad, being in his 50's, was not about to let me out run him ;-) 

Needless to say, I am SO proud to be a part of such an active family. There is nothing better than running in such a thrilling, obstacle enduring, challenging course with the people you love most!

Physical fitness and health is a priority of mine, which I believe has been instilled in me by my parents. (Thank you mom and dad)

I found the photo above, and immediately related it to the Warrior Dash. There was an obstacle during the dash that I had serious doubts about. It was a very large wall, straight up and down, about 18 feet tall. (See link for the "Battleground" map; http://www.warriordash.com/register2012_oregon.php#) To climb the wall, all we had were little ledges big enough for my toes, and a rope to pull myself up. Once at the top, I had to climb over, which was only about 8 inches thick, and go back down the other side. One slip, and I would have free fallen all the way to the ground. To make the situation worse, my legs were shaking with fear! After all my freaking out...I did it!

When being faced with obstacles, it's so easy to go around them. It crossed my mind...but then, how would I have felt after the race, knowing I chickened out?! In other words, "I don't stop for obstacles, I overcome them"
For more info and videos of what a Warrior Dash is, click on this link; http://www.warriordash.com/photovideo.php

Here are a couple of my pictures from the race: Please see past the blur ;-)
Sliding down a wooden platform on our bootys
Stefan and I coming in for the kill!
Rope climb
This could be the reason my upper shoulders are sore! My dad and boyfriend on the far left of picture

Quick pic and off to run again

Nice look dad!! (on far right) After the run, covered head to toe in mud
The gang!
Me and Stefan...I strongly urged him NOT to put his arm around me because it was all muddy!
We have conquered the Oregon Warrior Dash 2012!!!
Yup, THIS is where I washed all the mud off...there were a lot of muddy bodies in this pond, can you tell!?
Have you ever competed in a mud run!? If so, where?
What are some obstacles or a time you overcame a weakness?
@Tracee (my sister)

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hiking With Purpose...Feelin The Burn!

Yesterday, I went for a 5.3 mile hike with my boyfriend, in El Moro Canyon by Laguna Beach. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves in to...however, once we realized we were in for an intense work out, we took on the challenge with optimism.

As you can see we sparkled with enthusiasm! The first 1/2 mile of our hike was straight up hill. To get a view like this one, did not come easy.
"Follow the yellow brick road"

This was such a pretty view, looking over Laguna Beach! As Stefan would say, "Just reminds me of the view from the ride, Soarin Over Califonia Adventures...!" He was so serious too...:)
My legs literally felt like jello toward the end of the hike, and Stefan's legs were, as he said it, "numb!" We climbed a lot of short steep hills, and ran every opportunity we had downhill. Needless to say, my quads, butt, calves, hamstrings...do not want to function right now. Every now and then, my quad muscles twitch...yikes!

I might have taken the phrase "feel the burn" to the next level...but I cannot wait to do it again!

What are some of your favorite hikes you have been on!? Any in So Cal you would recommend?

Cheers To Being Fit N Gorgeous