A Foam Roller is something that you can take with you everywhere! The foam roller is useful for rolling out all those hard to reach kinks and muscles.
Use for your calves, thighs, quads, butt, and even different areas of your back and shoulders. Take this with you to your next race, and do some rolling exercises pre-race and post-race. All you need is about 15 minutes on a roller, and you're good to go!
Here are a couple exercise ideas;
Roll Calves- For more pressure, place one leg on top of the other, and roll one leg at a time |
Roll Hamstrings- Move from side to side to get all muscles in your hamstrings |
Roll IT Band- This can be the most painful, but the IT Band gets the less attention, so it is crucial to get those hard to reach muscles |
Roll Lats and Triceps- This is a tricky exercise, as it may take a couple rolls to find the right muscles, take your time here |
Roll Quads- One of my favorite exercises, as my quads are always sore from running and cycling |
Roll Upper Back- Use your hands to supports your head and your feet to control the movement |
How many of you own a foam roller, do you have any tips for our readers?
Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous
My pilates instructor was just stretching on this. I had never seen one before. She said she swears by it!
It really is amazing! They're pretty cheap too ;)