Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weekend Preparation-Need Motivating?

It's almost the weekend...sometimes all we need is a little motivation to finish the week off strong and to prepare ourselves for the fun times ahead!

I WANT her back...Reverse Flies please! (example below, incorporate Bosu ball for increased difficulty) can find me bumping up the incline on the treadmill, followed by a killer ab work out tonight! Plank anyone!?
(Examples below)
Does ANYONE look like this while sweating their butt off at the gym!? I don't! I'm there to torture myself and look ridiculous doing it! Single legged Bosu ball squats with arm curls (Example below, just add dumbbells for curls)
If this doesn't motivate you...I don't know what will!

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous!

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