Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sight Seeing in Germany

For those of you who don't already know, over the holidays, I spent 3 weeks in Germany traveling around with my boyfriend. We saw many wonderful things, and created memories that will last a lifetime.
The first 5 days I was in Germany, he had to work, so I was left alone all day to do some damage! I squeezed in a great 5 mile run over my 5 days of solitude. Within those 5 miles, I explored much of the city of Aachen, and even ventured outside of the inner-city limits. It's amazing how much ground you can cover in just 5 miles.

Between the cobblestone streets and crowds, it was quit challenging maintaining a consistent pace. Despite trying to prevent myself from tripping over an uplifted brick, I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere! Honestly, I was in complete disbelief...I was on the other side of the world, just going out for a casual run! This doesn't least to me anyway!! :-/
Red bricks are the bike lane, and brown are for pedestrians. Wish it was this bike/pedestrian friendly everywhere.

WHOA!! Look what I found...a hiking trail!

Cold, Sunny day. My favorite! (And yes, my phone was about to die)

For those of you planning to travel or currently traveling, there is no better way to site see than to go for a run. There is so much to see and discover, that you couldn't do wotherwise. I had no idea, just outside of the city, there were these awesome dirt trails!

Do you have any stories to share about when you went for a run or bike ride while vacationing and your discoveries?

Cheers to Being Fit N Gorgeous

1 comment:

  1. I've travelled a lot of places, but I've never toured a city by going for a run! It's a great way to be active and take in the city at the same time! Looks like you had a great trip!
